Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (2024)

Welcome to Snowflake! This entry-level guide, designed for database and data warehouse administrators and architects, will help you navigate the Snowflake interface and introduce you to some of our core capabilities. Sign up for a free 30-day trial of Snowflake and follow along with this lab. Once we cover the basics, you'll be ready to start processing your own data and diving into Snowflake's more advanced features!

Free Virtual Hands-on Lab

This Snowflake Guide is available as a free, instructor-led Virtual Hands on Lab. Sign up for the VHOL today.


  • Use of the Snowflake free 30-day trial environment
  • Basic knowledge of SQL, database concepts, and objects
  • Familiarity with CSV (comma-delimited) files and JSON semi-structured data

What You'll Learn:

  • How to create stages, databases, tables, views, and virtual warehouses.
  • How to load structured and semi-structured data.
  • How to consume Cybersyn data from the Snowflake Data Marketplace.
  • How to perform analytical queries on data in Snowflake, including joins between tables.
  • How to clone objects.
  • How to undo user errors using Time Travel.
  • How to create roles and users, and grant them privileges.
  • How to securely and easily share data with other accounts.

Data You'll Use:

Cybersyn is a next generation data company creating a real-time view of the world's economy with analytics-ready data exclusively on Snowflake Marketplace. Initially focused on consumer insights, Cybersyn enables you to access external data directly in your Snowflake instance — no ETL required.

This lab will use the following Cybersyn datasets:

  • Daily stock price data
  • SEC 10-K & 10-Q filings
  • Company metadata

Check out Cybersyn's Consumer Spending product and explore all 60+ public sources Cybersyn offers on the Snowflake Marketplace.

If you haven't already, register for a Snowflake free 30-day trial. This lab assumes you are using a new Snowflake account created by registering for a trial.

The Snowflake edition (Standard, Enterprise, Business Critical, etc.), cloud provider (AWS, Azure, GCP), and Region (US East, EU, etc.) you use for this lab, do not matter. However, we suggest you select the region that is physically closest to you and Enterprise, our most popular offering, as your Snowflake edition.

After registering, you will receive an email with an activation link and URL for accessing your Snowflake account.

Logging into the Snowflake User Interface (UI)

Open a browser window and enter the URL of your Snowflake 30-day trial environment that was sent with your registration email. Enter the username and password that you specified during the registration:

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (1)

Navigating the Snowflake UI

Let's get you acquainted with Snowflake! This section covers the basic components of the user interface.

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Projects > Worksheets

Under Projects on the left-hand panel, select the ​Worksheets​ tab. This provides an interface for submitting SQL queries, performing DDL and DML operations, and viewing results as your queries or operations complete. A new worksheet is created by clicking + on the top right.

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Worksheet Structure

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The top left corner contains the following:

  • Snowflake icon: Use this to get back to the main console/close the worksheet.
  • Worksheet_name drop-down: The default name is the timestamp when the worksheet was created. Click the timestamp to edit the worksheet name. The drop-down also displays additional actions you can perform for the worksheet.
  • Filters button: Custom filters are special keywords that resolve as a subquery or list of values.

The top right corner contains the following:

  • Context box: This lets Snowflake know which role and warehouse to use during this session. It can be changed via the UI or SQL commands.
  • Share button: Open the sharing menu to share to other users or copy the link to the worksheet.
  • Play/Run button: Run the SQL statement where the cursor currently is or multiple selected statements.

The middle pane contains the following:

  • Drop-down at the top for setting the database/schema/object context for the worksheet.
  • General working area where you enter and execute queries and other SQL statements.

The middle-left panel contains the following:

  • Worksheets tab: Use this tab to quickly select and jump between different worksheets
  • Databases tab: Use this tab to view all of the database objects available to the current role
  • Search bar: database objects browser which enables you to explore all databases, schemas, tables, and views accessible by the role currently in use for the worksheet.

The bottom pane displays the results of queries and other operations. Also includes 4 options (Object, Query, Result, Chart) that open/close their respective panels on the UI. Chart opens a visualization panel for the returned results. More on this later.

The various panes on this page can be resized by adjusting their sliders. If you need more room in the worksheet, collapse the database objects browser in the left panel. Many of the screenshots in this guide keep this panel closed.

Projects > Dashboards

Under Projects on the left-hand panel, select the ​Dashboards​ tab. This tab allows you to create flexible displays of one or more charts (in the form of tiles, which can be rearranged). Tiles and widgets are produced by executing SQL queries that return results in a worksheet. Dashboards work at a variety of sizes with minimal configuration.

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Data > Databases

Under Data, the Databases​ tab shows information about the databases you have created or have permission to access. You can create, clone, drop, or transfer ownership of databases, as well as load data in the UI. Notice that a database already exists in your environment. However, we will not be using it in this lab.

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Data Products > Marketplace

The Marketplace tab is where any Snowflake customer can browse and consume data sets made available by providers. There are two types of shared data: Public and Personalized. Public data is free data sets available for querying instantaneously. Personalized data requires reaching out to the provider of data for approval of sharing data.

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Data Products > Private Sharing

Under Data Products, the Private Sharing tab is where data sharing can be configured to easily and securely share Snowflake tables among separate Snowflake accounts or external users, without having to create a copy of the data.

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Monitoring > Query History

Under Monitoring there are multiple tabs for tracking your usage of your Snowflake account:

  • Query History is where previous queries are shown, along with filters that can be used to hone results (user, warehouse, status, query tag, etc.). View the details of all queries executed in the last 14 days from your Snowflake account. Click a query ID to drill into it for more information.
  • Copy History shows the status of copy commands run to ingest data into Snowflake.
  • Task History allows you to see the execution history for tasks and tasks graphs. (Tasks let you schedule the execution of SQL code. It is associated with a specific database and schema.)
  • Dynamic Tables is where you can use Snowsight to monitor dynamic table refreshes and examine dynamic tables and dynamic table graphs.
  • Governance tracks row- and column-level security, object tagging, data classification, access history, and more.

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Admin > Warehouses

Under Admin, the ​Warehouses​ tab is where you set up and manage compute resources known as virtual warehouses to load or query data in Snowflake. A warehouse called COMPUTE_WH already exists in your environment.

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Admin > Cost Management

Under Admin, the Cost Management tab shows an overview of account consumption and budgets. It also includes details on all the resource monitors that have been created to control the number of credits that virtual warehouses consume. For each resource monitor, it shows the credit quota, type of monitoring, schedule, and actions performed when the virtual warehouse reaches its credit limit.

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Admin > Users & Roles

The Roles sub-tab of the Users & Roles tab shows a list of the roles and their hierarchies. Roles can be created, reorganized, and granted to users in this tab. The roles can also be displayed in tabular/list format by selecting the Table sub-tab.

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The Users sub-tab of the Users & Roles tab shows a list of users in the account, default roles, and owner of the users. For a new account, no records are shown because no additional roles have been created. Permissions granted through your current role determine the information shown for this tab. To see all the information available on the tab, switch your role to ACCOUNTADMIN.

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Clicking on your username in the bottom right of the UI allows you to change your password, roles, and preferences. Snowflake has several system defined roles. You are currently in the default role of SYSADMIN and will stay in this role for the majority of the lab.

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The Lab Story

You work at a grocery retailer. You want to understand the performance of major consumer goods (CPG) companies in the US that supply your store. This lab takes a look at daily stock price data and quarterly and annual Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) company filings to understand the performance of the CPG landscape. Public companies are required to submit a quarterly and annual report to the SEC detailing their financial data.

We will start by collecting data from three different sources:

  1. Load company metadata .csv file.
  2. Load SEC filings from a semi-structured JSON format.
  3. Use the Snowflake Marketplace to find free stock price data from Cybersyn.

Let's start by preparing to load structured .csv data into Snowflake.

We are using company metadata developed from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that details the consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies we want to evaluate. The data has been exported and pre-staged for you in an Amazon AWS S3 bucket in the US-EAST region. It is in comma-delimited format with a single header line and double quotes enclosing all string values, including the field headings in the header line. This will be important when we configure the Snowflake table to store this data.

Getting Data into Snowflake Data can be ingested into Snowflake from many locations by using the COPY command, Snowpipe auto-ingestion, external connectors, or third-party ETL/ELT solutions. For more information on getting data into Snowflake, see the Snowflake documentation. For the purposes of this lab, we use the COPY command and AWS S3 storage to load data manually. In a real-world scenario, you would more likely use an ETL solution or grab data directly from the Snowflake Marketplace!

Create a Database and Table

Ensure you are using the SYSADMIN role by selecting your name at the top left, Switch Role > SYSADMIN.

Navigate to the Databases tab. Click Create, name the database CYBERSYN, then click CREATE.

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Now navigate to the Worksheets tab. You should see the worksheet we created in step 3.

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We need to set the context appropriately within the worksheet. In the upper right corner of the worksheet, click the box to the left of the Share button to show the context menu. Here we control the elements you can see and run from each worksheet. We are using the UI here to set the context. Later in the lab, we will accomplish the same thing via SQL commands within the worksheet.

Select the following context settings:


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Next, in the drop-down for the database, select the following context settings:

Database: CYBERSYNSchema: PUBLIC

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To make working in the worksheet easier, let's rename it. In the top left corner, double-click the worksheet name, which is the timestamp when the worksheet was created, and change it to ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_WITH_CYBERSYN.

Next we create a table called COMPANY_METADATA to use for loading the comma-delimited data. Instead of using the UI, we use the worksheet to run the DDL that creates the table. Copy the following SQL text into your worksheet:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE company_metadata(cybersyn_company_id string,company_name string,permid_security_id string,primary_ticker string,security_name string,asset_class string,primary_exchange_code string,primary_exchange_name string,security_status string,global_tickers variant,exchange_code variant,permid_quote_id variant);

Run the query by placing your cursor anywhere in the SQL text and clicking the blue Play/Run button in the top right of the worksheet. Or use the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl]/[Cmd]+[Enter].

Verify your COMPANY_METADATA table has been created. At the bottom of the worksheet, you should see a Results section displaying a "Table COMPANY_METADATA successfully created" message.

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Navigate to the Databases tab by clicking the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the worksheet. Then click Data > Databases. In the list of databases, click CYBERSYN > PUBLIC > TABLES to see your newly created COMPANY_METADATA table. If you don't see any databases on the left, expand your browser because they may be hidden.

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Click COMPANY_METADATA and the Columns tab to see the table structure you just created.

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Create an External Stage

We are working with structured, comma-delimited data that has already been staged in a public, external S3 bucket. Before we can use this data, we first need to create a stage that specifies the location of our external bucket.

From the Databases tab, click the CYBERSYN database and PUBLIC schema. Click the Create button, then Stage > Amazon S3.

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In the Create Stage dialog that opens, replace the following values in the SQL statement:

Stage Name: cybersyn_company_metadataURL: s3://sfquickstarts/zero_to_snowflake/cybersyn-consumer-company-metadata-csv/

Note: Make sure to include the final forward slash (/) at the end of the URL or you will encounter errors later when loading data from the bucket. Also ensure you have removed ‘credentials = (...)' statement which is not required. You can also comment it out like the picture below by using ‘–'. The create stage command should resemble the below picture or not include the 3rd line.

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Now let's take a look at the contents of the cybersyn_company_metadata stage. Navigate back to the Worksheets tab and open the ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_WITH_CYBERSYN worksheet we made.

Add the following SQL statement below the previous code and then execute:

LIST @cybersyn_company_metadata;

In the results in the bottom pane, you should see the list of files in the stage:

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Create a File Format

Before we can load the data into Snowflake, we have to create a file format that matches the data structure. In the worksheet, again add the following command below the rest and execute to create the file format:

CREATE OR REPLACE FILE FORMAT csv TYPE = 'CSV' COMPRESSION = 'AUTO' -- Automatically determines the compression of files FIELD_DELIMITER = ',' -- Specifies comma as the field delimiter RECORD_DELIMITER = '\n' -- Specifies newline as the record delimiter SKIP_HEADER = 1 -- Skip the first line FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY = '\042' -- Fields are optionally enclosed by double quotes (ASCII code 34) TRIM_SPACE = FALSE -- Spaces are not trimmed from fields ERROR_ON_COLUMN_COUNT_MISMATCH = FALSE -- Does not raise an error if the number of fields in the data file varies ESCAPE = 'NONE' -- No escape character for special character escaping ESCAPE_UNENCLOSED_FIELD = '\134' -- Backslash is the escape character for unenclosed fields DATE_FORMAT = 'AUTO' -- Automatically detects the date format TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = 'AUTO' -- Automatically detects the timestamp format NULL_IF = ('') -- Treats empty strings as NULL values COMMENT = 'File format for ingesting data for zero to snowflake';

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Verify the file format has been created with the correct settings by executing the following command:


The file format created should be listed in the result: Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (26)

Resize and Use a Warehouse for Data Loading

We will now use a virtual warehouse and the COPY command to initiate bulk loading of structured data into the Snowflake table we created.

Compute resources are needed for loading data. Snowflake's compute nodes are called virtual warehouses and they can be dynamically sized up or out according to workload, whether you are loading data, running a query, or performing a DML operation. Each workload can have its own warehouse so there is no resource contention.

Navigate to the Warehouses tab (under Admin). This is where you can view all of your existing warehouses, as well as analyze their usage trends.

Note the + Warehouse option in the upper right corner of the top. This is where you can quickly add a new warehouse. However, we want to use the existing warehouse COMPUTE_WH included in the 30-day trial environment.

Click the row of the COMPUTE_WH warehouse. Then click the [...] in the upper right corner text above it to see the actions you can perform on the warehouse. We will use this warehouse to load the data from AWS S3.

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Click Edit to walk through the options of this warehouse and learn some of Snowflake's unique functionality.

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  • The Size drop-down is where the capacity of the warehouse is selected. For larger data loading operations or more compute-intensive queries, a larger warehouse is recommended. The sizes translate to the underlying compute resources provisioned from the cloud provider (AWS, Azure, or GCP) where your Snowflake account is hosted. It also determines the number of credits consumed by the warehouse for each full hour it runs. The larger the size, the more compute resources from the cloud provider are allocated to the warehouse and the more credits it consumes. For example, the 4X-Large setting consumes 128 credits for each full hour. This sizing can be changed up or down at any time with a simple click.
  • If you are using Snowflake Enterprise Edition (or higher) the Query Acceleration option is available. When it is enabled for a warehouse, it can improve overall warehouse performance by reducing the impact of outlier queries, which are queries that use more resources than the typical query. Leave this disabled
  • If you are using Snowflake Enterprise Edition (or higher) and the Multi-cluster Warehouse option is enabled, you will see additional options. This is where you can set up a warehouse to use multiple clusters of compute resources, up to 10 clusters. For example, if a 4X-Large multi-cluster warehouse is assigned a maximum cluster size of 10, it can scale out to 10 times the compute resources powering that warehouse...and it can do this in seconds! However, note that this will increase the number of credits consumed by the warehouse to 1280 if all 10 clusters run for a full hour (128 credits/hour x 10 clusters). Multi-cluster is ideal for concurrency scenarios, such as many business analysts simultaneously running different queries using the same warehouse. In this use case, the various queries are allocated across multiple clusters to ensure they run quickly.
  • Under Advanced Warehouse Options, the options allow you to automatically suspend the warehouse when not in use so no credits are needlessly consumed. There is also an option to automatically resume a suspended warehouse so when a new workload is sent to it, it automatically starts back up. This functionality enables Snowflake's efficient "pay only for what you use" billing model which allows you to scale your resources when necessary and automatically scale down or turn off when not needed, nearly eliminating idle resources. Additionally, there is an option to change the Warehouse type from Standard to Snowpark-optimized. Snowpark-optmized warehouses provide 16x memory per node and are recommended for workloads that have large memory requirements such as ML training use cases using a stored procedure on a single virtual warehouse node. Leave this type as Standard

Warning - Watch Your Spend! During or after this lab, you should be careful about performing the following actions without good reason or you may burn through your $400 of free credits more quickly than desired:

  • Do not disable auto-suspend. If auto-suspend is disabled, your warehouses continues to run and consume credits even when not in use.
  • Do not use a warehouse size that is excessive given the workload. The larger the warehouse, the more credits are consumed.

We are going to use this virtual warehouse to load the structured data in the CSV files (stored in the AWS S3 bucket) into Snowflake. However, we are first going to change the size of the warehouse to increase the compute resources it uses. After the load, note the time taken and then, in a later step in this section, we will re-do the same load operation with an even larger warehouse, observing its faster load time.

Change the Size of this data warehouse from X-Small to Small. then click the Save Warehouse button:

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Load the Data

Now we can run a COPY command to load the data into the COMPANY_METADATA table we created earlier.

Navigate back to the ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_WITH_CYBERSYN worksheet in the Worksheets tab. Make sure the worksheet context is correctly set:


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Execute the following statements in the worksheet to load the staged data into the table. This may take up to 30 seconds.

COPY INTO company_metadata FROM @cybersyn_company_metadata file_format=csv PATTERN = '.*csv.*' ON_ERROR = 'CONTINUE';

In the result pane, you should see the status of each file that was loaded. Once the load is done, in the Query Details pane on the bottom right, you can scroll through the various statuses, error statistics, and visualizations for the last statement executed.

Next, navigate to the Query History tab by clicking the Home icon and then Activity > Query History. Select the query at the top of the list, which should be the COPY INTO statement that was last executed. Select the Query Profile tab and note the steps taken by the query to execute, query details, most expensive nodes, and additional statistics.

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Now let's reload the COMPANY_METADATA table with a larger warehouse to see the impact the additional compute resources have on the loading time.

Go back to the worksheet and use the TRUNCATE TABLE command to clear the table of all data and metadata:

TRUNCATE TABLE company_metadata;-- Verify that the table is empty by running the following command:SELECT * FROM company_metadata LIMIT 10;

The result should show Query produced no results. Change the warehouse size to LARGE using the following ALTER WAREHOUSE:

ALTER WAREHOUSE compute_wh SET warehouse_size='large';-- Verify the change using the following SHOW WAREHOUSES:SHOW WAREHOUSES;

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The size can also be changed using the UI by clicking on the worksheet context box, then the Configure (3-line) icon on the right side of the context box, and changing Small to Large in the Size drop-down:

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Execute the same COPY INTO statement as before to load the same data again:

COPY INTO company_metadata FROM @cybersyn_company_metadata file_format=csv PATTERN = '.*csv.*' ON_ERROR = 'CONTINUE';

Once the load is done, navigate back to the Queries page (Home icon > Activity > Query History). Compare the times of the two COPY INTO commands. The load using the Large warehouse was significantly faster.

Create a New Warehouse for Data Analytics

Let's assume our internal analytics team wants to eliminate resource contention between their data loading/ETL workloads and the analytical end users using BI tools to query Snowflake. As mentioned earlier, Snowflake can easily do this by assigning different, appropriately-sized warehouses to various workloads. Since our company already has a warehouse for data loading, let's create a new warehouse for the end users running analytics. We will use this warehouse to perform analytics in the next section.

Navigate to the Admin > Warehouses tab, click + Warehouse, and name the new warehouse and set the size to Large.

If you are using Snowflake Enterprise Edition (or higher) and Multi-cluster Warehouses is enabled, you will see additional settings:

  • Make sure Max Clusters is set to 1.
  • Leave all the other settings at their defaults.

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Click the Create Warehouse button to create the warehouse.

Going back to the lab's example, our company's analytics team wants to evaluate the performance of CPG companies through the lens of their reported metrics in SEC filings. To do this, in this section, we will:

  • Load SEC filing data in semi-structured JSON format held in a public S3 bucket.
  • Create a view and query the JSON data using SQL dot notation.

The JSON data consists of SEC filings provided by Cybersyn, detailing the historical performance of consumer-packaged goods companies from 2019-2023. It is also staged on AWS S3. If viewed in a text editor, the raw JSON in the GZ files looks like:

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(The full dataset available for free in Snowflake Marketplace from Cybersyn – no ETL required. For the purposes of this demo, we will focus on working with the semi-structured JSON file to learn how to load structured data into Snowflake.)

Create a New Database and Table for the Data

Next, let's create two tables, SEC_FILINGS_INDEX and SEC_FILINGS_ATTRIBUTES to use for loading JSON data. In the worksheet, execute the following CREATE TABLE commands:

CREATE TABLE sec_filings_index (v variant);CREATE TABLE sec_filings_attributes (v variant);

Note that Snowflake has a special data type called VARIANT that allows storing the entire JSON object as a single row and querying the object directly.

In the results pane at the bottom of the worksheet, verify that your tables, SEC_FILINGS_INDEX and SEC_FILINGS_ATTRIBUTES, were created:

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Create Another External Stage

In the ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_WITH_CYBERSYN worksheet, use the following command to create a stage that points to the bucket where the semi-structured JSON data is stored on AWS S3:

CREATE STAGE cybersyn_sec_filingsurl = 's3://sfquickstarts/zero_to_snowflake/cybersyn_cpg_sec_filings/';

Now let's take a look at the contents of the cybersyn_sec_filings stage. Execute the following LIST command to display the list of files:

LIST @cybersyn_sec_filings;

In the results pane, you should see a list of .gz files from S3: Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (37)

Load and Verify the Semi-structured Data

We will now use a warehouse to load the data from an S3 bucket into the tables we created earlier. In the ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_WITH_CYBERSYN worksheet, execute the COPY command below to load the data.

Note that you can specify a FILE FORMAT object inline in the command. In the previous section where we loaded structured data in CSV format, we had to define a file format to support the CSV structure. Because the JSON data here is well-formed, we are able to simply specify the JSON type and use all the default settings:

COPY INTO sec_filings_indexFROM @cybersyn_sec_filings/cybersyn_sec_report_index.json.gz file_format = (type = json strip_outer_array = true);COPY INTO sec_filings_attributesFROM @cybersyn_sec_filings/cybersyn_sec_report_attributes.json.gz file_format = (type = json strip_outer_array = true);

Verify that each file has a status of LOADED: Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (38)

Now, let's take a look at the data that was loaded:

SELECT * FROM sec_filings_index LIMIT 10;SELECT * FROM sec_filings_attributes LIMIT 10;

Click any of the rows to display the formatted JSON in the right panel:

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To close the display in the panel and display the query details again, click the X (Close) button that appears when you hover your mouse in the right corner of the panel.

Create a View and Query Semi-Structured Data

Next, let's look at how Snowflake allows us to create a view and also query the JSON data directly using SQL.

Snowflake also supports materialized views in which the query results are stored as though the results are a table. This allows faster access, but requires storage space. Materialized views can be created and queried if you are using Snowflake Enterprise Edition (or higher).

Run the following command to create a columnar view of the semi-structured JSON SEC filing data, so it is easier for analysts to understand and query. The CIK corresponds to the Central Index Key, or unique identifier that SEC gives to each filing entity. The ADSH is the document number for any filing submitted to the SEC.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sec_filings_index_view ASSELECT v:CIK::string AS cik, v:COMPANY_NAME::string AS company_name, v:EIN::int AS ein, v:ADSH::string AS adsh, v:TIMESTAMP_ACCEPTED::timestamp AS timestamp_accepted, v:FILED_DATE::date AS filed_date, v:FORM_TYPE::string AS form_type, v:FISCAL_PERIOD::string AS fiscal_period, v:FISCAL_YEAR::string AS fiscal_yearFROM sec_filings_index;CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sec_filings_attributes_view ASSELECT v:VARIABLE::string AS variable, v:CIK::string AS cik, v:ADSH::string AS adsh, v:MEASURE_DESCRIPTION::string AS measure_description, v:TAG::string AS tag, v:TAG_VERSION::string AS tag_version, v:UNIT_OF_MEASURE::string AS unit_of_measure, v:VALUE::string AS value, v:REPORT::int AS report, v:STATEMENT::string AS statement, v:PERIOD_START_DATE::date AS period_start_date, v:PERIOD_END_DATE::date AS period_end_date, v:COVERED_QTRS::int AS covered_qtrs, TRY_PARSE_JSON(v:METADATA) AS metadataFROM sec_filings_attributes;

SQL dot notation v:VARIABLE is used in this command to pull out values at lower levels within the JSON object hierarchy. This allows us to treat each field as if it were a column in a relational table.

The new view should appear as SEC_FILINGS_INDEX_VIEW under CYBERSYN > PUBLIC > Views in the object browser on the left. You may need to expand or refresh the objects browser in order to see it.

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Notice the results look just like a regular structured data source:

SELECT *FROM sec_filings_index_viewLIMIT 20;

Snowflake Data Marketplace

Make sure you're using the ACCOUNTADMIN role and, navigate to Data Products > Marketplace:

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Find a listing

Type stock prices in the search box at the top, scroll through the results, and select (provided by Cybersyn).

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In the Cybersyn Financial & Economic Essentials page, you can learn more about the contents of the data listing, explore data dictionaries, and see some sample queries. You will also see links to documentation and the dataset's cloud region availability. When you're ready, click the Get button to make this information available within your Snowflake account:

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Review the information in the dialog and click Get again:

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You can now click Done or choose to run the sample queries provided by Cybersyn:

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If you chose Query Data, a new worksheet opens in a new browser tab/window:

  1. Set your context
  2. Select the query you want to run (or place your cursor in the query text).
  3. Click the Run/Play button (or use the keyboard shortcut).
  4. You can view the data results in the bottom pane.
  5. When you are done running the sample queries, click the Home icon in the upper left corner.

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (46)


  1. Click Data > Databases.
  2. Click the Financial__Economic_Essentials database.
  3. You can see details about the schemas, tables, and views that are available to query.

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (47)

That's it! You have now successfully subscribed to the Financial & Economic Essentials datasets from Cybersyn, which are updated daily with global financial data. Notice we didn't have to create databases, tables, views, or an ETL process. We simply searched for and accessed shared data from the Snowflake Data Marketplace.

In the previous exercises, we loaded data into two tables using Snowflake's COPY bulk loader command and the COMPUTE_WH virtual warehouse. Now we are going to take on the role of the analytics users at our company who need to query data in those tables using the worksheet and the second warehouse ANALYTICS_WH.

Execute Some Queries

Go to the ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_WITH_CYBERSYN worksheet and change the warehouse to use the new warehouse you created in the last section. Your worksheet context should be the following:


Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (48)

Run the following query to see a sample of the company_metadata data:

SELECT * FROM company_metadata;

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (49)

Now, let's look at the performance of these companies in the stock market. Run the queries below in the worksheet.

Closing Price Statistics: First, calculate the daily return of a stock (the percent change in the stock price from the close of the previous day to the close of the current day) and 5-day moving average from closing prices (which helps smooth out daily price fluctuations to identify trends).

SELECT meta.primary_ticker, meta.company_name,, ts.value AS post_market_close, (ts.value / LAG(ts.value, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY meta.primary_ticker ORDER BY AS daily_return, AVG(ts.value) OVER (PARTITION BY meta.primary_ticker ORDER BY ROWS BETWEEN 4 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS five_day_moving_avg_priceFROM Financial__Economic_Essentials.cybersyn.stock_price_timeseries tsINNER JOIN company_metadata metaON ts.ticker = meta.primary_tickerWHERE ts.variable_name = 'Post-Market Close';

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (50)

Trading Volume Statistics: Then, calculate the trading volume change from one day to the next to see if there's an increase or decrease in trading activity. This can be a sign of increasing or decreasing interest in a stock.

SELECT meta.primary_ticker, meta.company_name,, ts.value AS nasdaq_volume, (ts.value / LAG(ts.value, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY meta.primary_ticker ORDER BY AS volume_changeFROM cybersyn.stock_price_timeseries tsINNER JOIN company_metadata metaON ts.ticker = meta.primary_tickerWHERE ts.variable_name = 'Nasdaq Volume';

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (51)

Use the Result Cache

Snowflake has a result cache that holds the results of every query executed in the past 24 hours. These are available across warehouses, so query results returned to one user are available to any other user on the system who executes the same query, provided the underlying data has not changed. Not only do these repeated queries return extremely fast, but they also use no compute credits.

Let's see the result cache in action by running the exact same query again.

SELECT meta.primary_ticker, meta.company_name,, ts.value AS post_market_close, (ts.value / LAG(ts.value, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY primary_ticker ORDER BY AS daily_return, AVG(ts.value) OVER (PARTITION BY primary_ticker ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 4 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS five_day_moving_avg_priceFROM cybersyn.stock_price_timeseries tsINNER JOIN company_metadata metaON ts.ticker = meta.primary_tickerWHERE variable_name = 'Post-Market Close';

In the Query Details pane on the right, note that the query runs significantly faster because the results have been cached. Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (52)

Clone a Table

Snowflake allows you to create clones, also known as "zero-copy clones" of tables, schemas, and databases in seconds. When a clone is created, Snowflake takes a snapshot of data present in the source object and makes it available to the cloned object. The cloned object is writable and independent of the clone source. Therefore, changes made to either the source object or the clone object are not included in the other.

A popular use case for zero-copy cloning is to clone a production environment for use by Development & Testing teams to test and experiment without adversely impacting the production environment and eliminating the need to set up and manage two separate environments.

Run the following command in the worksheet to create a development (dev) table clone of the company_metadata table:

CREATE TABLE company_metadata_dev CLONE company_metadata;

Click the three dots (...) in the left pane and select Refresh. Expand the object tree under the CYBERSYN database and verify that you see a new table named company_metadata_dev. Your Development team now can do whatever they want with this table, including updating or deleting it, without impacting the company_metadata table or any other object.

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (53)

Joining Tables

We will now join the JSON SEC filing datasets together to investigate the revenue of one CPG company, Kraft Heinz. Run the query below to join SEC_FILINGS_INDEX to SEC_FILINGS_ATTRIBUTES to see how Kraft Heinz (KHC) business segments have performed over time:

WITH data_prep AS ( SELECT idx.cik, idx.company_name, idx.adsh, idx.form_type, att.measure_description, CAST(att.value AS DOUBLE) AS value, att.period_start_date, att.period_end_date, att.covered_qtrs, TRIM(att.metadata:"ProductOrService"::STRING) AS product FROM sec_filings_attributes_view att JOIN sec_filings_index_view idx ON idx.cik = att.cik AND idx.adsh = att.adsh WHERE idx.cik = '0001637459' AND idx.form_type IN ('10-K', '10-Q') AND LOWER(att.measure_description) = 'net sales' AND (att.metadata IS NULL OR OBJECT_KEYS(att.metadata) = ARRAY_CONSTRUCT('ProductOrService')) AND att.covered_qtrs IN (1, 4) AND value > 0 QUALIFY ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY idx.cik, idx.company_name, att.measure_description, att.period_start_date, att.period_end_date, att.covered_qtrs, product ORDER BY idx.filed_date DESC ) = 1)SELECT company_name, measure_description, product, period_end_date, CASE WHEN covered_qtrs = 1 THEN value WHEN covered_qtrs = 4 THEN value - SUM(value) OVER ( PARTITION BY cik, measure_description, product, YEAR(period_end_date) ORDER BY period_end_date ROWS BETWEEN 4 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING ) END AS quarterly_valueFROM data_prepORDER BY product, period_end_date;

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (54)

Snowflake's powerful Time Travel feature enables accessing historical data, as well as the objects storing the data, at any point within a period of time. The default window is 24 hours and, if you are using Snowflake Enterprise Edition, can be increased up to 90 days. Most data warehouses cannot offer this functionality, but - you guessed it - Snowflake makes it easy!

Some useful applications include:

  • Restoring data-related objects such as tables, schemas, and databases that may have been deleted.
  • Duplicating and backing up data from key points in the past.
  • Analyzing data usage and manipulation over specified periods of time.

Drop and Undrop a Table

First let's see how we can restore data objects that have been accidentally or intentionally deleted.

In the ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_WITH_CYBERSYN worksheet, run the following DROP command to remove the SEC_FILINGS_INDEX table:

DROP TABLE sec_filings_index;-- Run a query on the table:SELECT * FROM sec_filings_index LIMIT 10;

In the results pane at the bottom, you should see an error because the underlying table has been dropped: Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (55)

Now, restore the table:

UNDROP TABLE sec_filings_index;

The SEC filing index table should be restored. Verify by running the following query:

SELECT * FROM sec_filings_index LIMIT 10;

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (56)

Roll Back a Table

Let's roll back the COMPANY_METADATA table in the CYBERSYN database to a previous state to fix an unintentional DML error that replaces all the company names in the table with the word "oops".

First, run the following SQL statements to switch your worksheet to the proper context:

USE ROLE sysadmin;USE WAREHOUSE compute_wh;USE DATABASE cybersyn;USE SCHEMA public;

Run the following command to replace all of the company names in the table with the word "oops":

UPDATE company_metadata SET company_name = 'oops';

Now, run a query that returns the companies. Notice that the company names are all the same:

SELECT *FROM company_metadata;

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (57)

Normally we would need to scramble and hope we have a backup lying around. In Snowflake, we can simply run a command to find the query ID of the last UPDATE command and store it in a variable named $QUERY_ID.

Use Time Travel to recreate the table with the correct company names and verify the company names have been restored:

-- Set the session variable for the query_idSET query_id = ( SELECT query_id FROM TABLE(information_schema.query_history_by_session(result_limit=>5)) WHERE query_text LIKE 'UPDATE%' ORDER BY start_time DESC LIMIT 1);-- Use the session variable with the identifier syntax (e.g., $query_id)CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE company_metadata ASSELECT *FROM company_metadataBEFORE (STATEMENT => $query_id);-- Verify the company names have been restoredSELECT *FROM company_metadata;

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (58)

In this section, we will explore aspects of Snowflake's access control security model, such as creating a role and granting it specific permissions. We will also explore other usage of the ACCOUNTADMIN (Account Administrator) role.

Continuing with the lab story, let's assume a junior DBA has joined our internal analytics team, and we want to create a new role for them with less privileges than the system-defined, default role of SYSADMIN.

Create a New Role and Add a User

In the ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_WITH_CYBERSYN worksheet, switch to the ACCOUNTADMIN role to create a new role. ACCOUNTADMIN encapsulates the SYSADMIN and SECURITYADMIN system-defined roles. It is the top-level role in the account and should be granted only to a limited number of users.

USE ROLE accountadmin;

Notice that, in the top right of the worksheet, the context has changed to ACCOUNTADMIN:

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (59)

Before a role can be used for access control, at least one user must be assigned to it. So let's create a new role named JUNIOR_DBA and assign it to your Snowflake user. To complete this task, you need to know your username, which is the name you used to log in to the UI.

Use the following commands to create the role and assign it to you. Before you run the GRANT ROLE command, replace YOUR_USERNAME_GOES_HERE with your username:


Change your worksheet context to the new JUNIOR_DBA role:

USE ROLE junior_dba;

In the top right of the worksheet, notice that the context has changed to reflect the JUNIOR_DBA role.

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (60)

Also, the warehouse is not selected because the newly created role does not have usage privileges on any warehouse. Let's fix it by switching back to ACCOUNTADMIN role and grant usage privileges to COMPUTE_WH warehouse.

USE ROLE accountadmin;GRANT USAGE ON WAREHOUSE compute_wh TO ROLE junior_dba;

Switch back to the JUNIOR_DBA role. You should be able to use COMPUTE_WH now.

USE ROLE junior_dba;USE WAREHOUSE compute_wh;

Finally, you can notice that in the database object browser panel on the left, the CYBERSYN and Financial__Economic_Essentials databases no longer appear. This is because the JUNIOR_DBA role does not have privileges to access them.

Switch back to the ACCOUNTADMIN role and grant the JUNIOR_DBA the USAGE privilege required to view and use the CYBERSYN and Financial__Economic_Essentials databases. Note that the Cybersyn database from the Marketplace uses GRANT IMPORTED PRIVILEGES, instead of GRANT USAGE.

USE ROLE accountadmin;GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE cybersyn TO ROLE junior_dba;GRANT IMPORTED PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE Financial__Economic_Essentials TO ROLE junior_dba;USE ROLE junior_dba;

Notice that the CYBERSYN and Financial__Economic_Essentials databases now appear in the database object browser panel on the left. If they don't appear, try clicking ... in the panel, then clicking Refresh.

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (61)

View the Account Administrator UI

Let's change our access control role back to ACCOUNTADMIN to see other areas of the UI accessible only to this role. However, to perform this task, use the UI instead of the worksheet.

First, click the Home icon in the top left corner of the worksheet. Then, in the bottom left corner of the UI, click your name to display the user preferences menu. In the menu, go to Switch Role and select ACCOUNTADMIN.

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (62)

Notice that once you switch the UI session to the ACCOUNTADMIN role, new tabs are available under Admin.

Admin > Cost Management

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (63)

The Cost Management tab shows your usage of Snowflake credits, with filters by account and consumption types:

  • Organization: Credit usage across all the accounts in your organization.
  • Compute: Credits consumed by the virtual warehouses in the current account.
  • Storage: Average amount of data stored in all databases, internal stages, and Snowflake Failsafe in the current account for the past month.
  • Data Transfer: Average amount of data transferred out of the region (for the current account) into other regions for the past month.

Admin > Security

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (64)

The Security tab contains network policies created for the Snowflake account. New network policies can be created by selecting "+ Network Policy" at the top right hand side of the page.

Admin > Billing & Terms

The Billing & Terms tab contains the payment method for the account:

  • If you are a Snowflake contract customer, the tab shows the name associated with your contract information.
  • If you are an on-demand Snowflake customer, the tab shows the credit card used to pay month-to-month, if one has been entered. If no credit card is on file, you can add one to continue using Snowflake when your trial ends.

For the next section, stay in the ACCOUNTADMIN role for the UI session.

Snowflake enables data access between accounts through the secure data sharing features. Shares are created by data providers and imported by data consumers, either through their own Snowflake account or a provisioned Snowflake Reader account. The consumer can be an external entity or a different internal business unit that is required to have its own unique Snowflake account.

With secure data sharing:

  • There is only one copy of the data that lives in the data provider's account.
  • Shared data is always live, real-time, and immediately available to consumers.
  • Providers can establish revocable, fine-grained access to shares.
  • Data sharing is simple and safe, especially compared to older data sharing methods, which were often manual and insecure, such as transferring large .csv files across the internet.

Snowflake uses secure data sharing to provide account usage data and sample data sets to all Snowflake accounts. In this capacity, Snowflake acts as the data provider of the data and all other accounts.

Secure data sharing also powers the Snowflake Data Marketplace, which is available to all Snowflake customers and allows you to discover and access third-party datasets from numerous data providers and SaaS vendors. Again, in this data sharing model, the data doesn't leave the provider's account and you can use the datasets without any transformation.

View Existing Shares

In the home page, navigate to Data > Databases. In the list of databases, look at the SOURCE column. You should see one database with Local in the column, which we created previously in the lab. The other database, SNOWFLAKE, shows Share in the column, indicating it's shared from a provider.

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (65)

Create an Outbound Share

Assume we are the Account Administrator for our Snowflake account. We have a trusted partner who wants to analyze our data on a near real-time basis. This partner also has their own Snowflake account in the same region as our account. We can use secure data sharing to allow them to access this information.

Navigate to Data Products > Private Sharing, then at the top of the tab click Shared By Your Account. Click the Share button in the top right corner and select Create a Direct Share:

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (66)

Click + Select Data and navigate to the database and schema you want to share. Select the tables and click the Done button:

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (67)

The default name of the share is a generic name with a random numeric value appended. Edit the default name to a more descriptive value that will help identify the share in the future (e.g. ZERO_TO_SNOWFLAKE_SHARED_DATA). You can also add a comment.

In a real-world scenario, the Account Administrator would next add one or more consumer accounts to the share, but we'll stop here for the purposes of this lab.

Click the Create Share button at the bottom of the dialog. The dialog closes and the page shows the secure share you created.

Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (68)

You can add consumers, add/change the description, and edit the objects in the share at any time. In the page, click the < button next to the share name to return to the Share with Other Accounts page.

We've demonstrated how it only takes seconds to give other accounts access to data in your Snowflake account in a secure manner with no copying or transferring of data required!

Snowflake provides several ways to securely share data without compromising confidentiality. In addition to tables, you can share secure views, secure UDFs (user-defined functions), and other secure objects. For more details about using these methods to share data while preventing access to sensitive information, see the Snowflake documentation.

If you would like to reset your environment by deleting all the objects created as part of this lab, ensure you are using the ACCOUNTADMIN role in the worksheet and run the following commands to drop the objects we created in the lab:


Congratulations on completing this introductory lab exercise! You've mastered the Snowflake basics and are ready to apply these fundamentals to your own data. Be sure to reference this guide if you ever need a refresher.

We encourage you to continue with your free trial by loading your own sample or production data and by using some of the more advanced capabilities of Snowflake not covered in this lab.

Additional Resources:

  • Learn more about the Snowsight docs.
  • Read the Definitive Guide to Maximizing Your Free Trial document.
  • Attend a Snowflake virtual or in-person event to learn more about our capabilities and customers.
  • Join the Snowflake Community.
  • Sign up for Snowflake University.
  • Contact our Sales Team to learn more.
  • Access Cybersyn's analytics-ready data on Snowflake Marketplace.
  • Explore the 60+ public domain sources Cybersyn makes available on Snowflake Marketplace.

What we've covered:

  • How to create stages, databases, tables, views, and virtual warehouses.
  • How to load structured and semi-structured data.
  • How to consume Cybersyn data from the Snowflake Data Marketplace.
  • How to perform analytical queries on data in Snowflake, including joins between tables.
  • How to clone objects.
  • How to undo user errors using Time Travel.
  • How to create roles and users, and grant them privileges.
  • How to securely and easily share data with other accounts.
Getting Started with Snowflake - Zero to Snowflake (2024)


How do I start learning Snowflake? ›

Click the Create Warehouse button to create the warehouse.
  1. Loading Semi-Structured Data into Snowflake: JSONs. ...
  2. Create a New Database and Table for the Data. ...
  3. Create Another External Stage. ...
  4. Load and Verify the Semi-structured Data. ...
  5. Create a View and Query Semi-Structured Data.

How many days it will take to learn Snowflake? ›

Snowflake Fundamentals

This 4-day course covers the fundamental concepts, design considerations, and best practices intended for key stakeholders who will be working on the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform. The course will consist of lecture, demos, and labs on a wide range of foundational topics.

How do I migrate to Snowflake? ›

How to Migrate Data From On-Prem to Snowflake Cloud Data Warehouse
  1. Select and Split Your Data. Moving data to the cloud from your local environment is fairly simple. ...
  2. Migrate Data to Snowflake Staging Area. To stage the data, open the SnowSQL command line client (CLI). ...
  3. Verify Your Migration to the Cloud.

What are the prerequisites to learn Snowflake? ›

Prerequisites. You should have a basic understanding of SQL, Database concepts, knowledge of database schema, and general caching concepts.

Is Snowflake difficult to learn? ›

Snowflake can be relatively easy to learn, especially for individuals with prior SQL and data warehousing knowledge. However, mastering advanced features and optimizing performance may require more time and experience. The learning experience ultimately depends on one's background and learning objectives.

Is Python required for Snowflake? ›

Prerequisites. Requires Python version 3.8 or later. For a list of the operating systems supported by Snowflake clients, see Operating system support.

What are the challenges while migrating to Snowflake? ›

The migration process involves extracting data from the legacy system, transforming it to align with Snowflake's architecture, and loading it into the new environment. Complexities arise due to differences in schema designs, data types, and storage mechanisms between the legacy system and Snowflake.

How do I get my data into Snowflake? ›

In my experience, the most common way to load data into Snowflake is by running the COPY INTO command on one of your own managed virtual warehouses. This command takes files previously uploaded into a Snowflake internal stage or external stage, and ingests them into the target table.

Is Snowflake fully remote? ›

In 2021, the company announced it no longer has a headquarters office, as its team is fully distributed and working remotely from around the world.

Do I need an ETL tool for Snowflake? ›

You can store and manage data within Snowflake, but you'll need a separate tool for the ETL (extract, transform, and load) process. ETL is the modern replacement for traditional ELT (extract, load, transform) workflows. Cloud data warehouses like Snowflake provide data engineering teams with near-infinite capacity.

Is SQL required for Snowflake? ›

Snowflake supports standard SQL, including a subset of ANSI SQL:1999 and the SQL:2003 analytic extensions. Snowflake also supports common variations for a number of commands where those variations do not conflict with each other. You can use the search optimization service to improve query performance.

Is Snowflake a SQL or Nosql? ›

Snowflake is a data platform and data warehouse (relational database), supporting the most common standardized SQL version, thus enabling all common operations.

Is coding required for Snowflake? ›

Does Snowflake require coding? Yes, working with Snowflake typically involves coding, especially with SQL for querying and managing data.

How much does it cost to get Snowflake certified? ›

The Snowflake certifications cost are as follows: SnowPro Core Snowflake Certification cost: $175 USD. SnowPro Core Snowflake Re-Certification cost: $88 USD. SnowPro Advanced: Data Architect Snowflake Certification cost: $375 USD.

What is the basic knowledge of Snowflake? ›

Snowflake's architecture is a hybrid of traditional shared-disk and shared-nothing database architectures. Similar to shared-disk architectures, Snowflake uses a central data repository for persisted data that is accessible from all compute nodes in the platform.

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