1. My Supernatural Power (2020) - MyDramaList
我有特殊沟通技巧; Also Known As: Wo You Te Shu Gou Tong Ji Qiao; Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Fantasy; Tags: Observatory Setting, Police Department Setting ...
A story that follows a detective in the major crimes division of the Nan Xing City Police Department. Together with a woman who has super memory, he upholds...
2. 十大配得上R級的電影(Top 10 Movies That Deserved Their R Rating)
29 okt 2022 · No big surprise you're looking for me. 你找我也沒什麼好奇怪的。 ... 這部大衛-芬奇的經典作品在銀幕暴力方面其實是很溫順的,但七有一種特殊的語氣,讓人 ...
【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學這些英文用法:WatchMojo,電影,暴力,觀眾,華爾街,髒話,鏡頭,可怕,評級,毒品,機械,內容,特別,戰警,男性,基督,描述,安德森,不安,肯尼,色情,喬丹,武士,耶穌,痛苦,激情,使用,比爾,託尼,事件,證明,時尚,溝通,通知,責備,盒子,公開,導演,女性,恐怖,明星,亂倫,語言,兒童,受難,動作,場景,殺死,相當,麥莉,自由,艾迪,生殖器,黑暗,影片,效果,時代,作品,亞當斯,瑞恩,拍攝,庫爾特,墨菲,電鋸,視頻,斯通,真實,前輩,人物,現實,死亡,滿滿,凱爾,幫派,撒旦,梅爾,大便,看看,奇怪,票房,收益,紀錄,語氣,評論家,蒂姆,帕克,糟糕,埃裡克,托馬斯,偵探,剪輯,消化,笨蛋,界限,觀看,動漫,舉動,干擾,不止,觸及,馬丁,攝影,協會,約翰尼,故事,誇張,斯科特,例外,評價,削減,象力,過分,傻瓜,亞歷克斯,詭異,看到,保羅,服用,親密,獲取,發行,骯髒,妹妹,融合,發誓,老兄,折磨,六號,毛骨悚然,三號,大衛,畫面,困擾,說服,選擇...
3. My Supernatural Power (我有特殊沟通技巧, 2020)
18 nov 2020 · 我有特殊的溝通技巧(我有特殊的沟通技巧). Release year: 2020. Country: China. Number of episodes: 26. Episode running time: 45 minutes.
Everything about cinema of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan, reviews of classic and new movies, cinema discussions, actor filmographies
4. My Supernatural Power (TV Series 2020-2021) - The Movie Database
A story that follows a detective in the major crimes division of Nan Xing City Police Department. Together with a woman who has super memory, he upholds the ...
A story that follows a detective in the major crimes division of Nan Xing City Police Department. Together with a woman who has super memory, he upholds the law one case at a time in solving murders, burglaries and bringing down a narcotics manufacturing facility.
5. Show, Don't Tell | Neocha – Culture & Creativity in Asia
22 sep 2022 · 这种即精准又有所保留的创作方式,在保证与影片内容契合的同时,留给观众想象的空间,“我在创作中,会考虑如何在确保穿搭核心信息的同时,留给观众更 ...
6. 脑洞盛开的声音by 斜杠青年研究所
这里有最好玩的斜杠青年,这里有最别样的真知灼见;我们打捞干货,也把理想诉说!这是一档分享「酷炫爱好/奇葩副业/独特经历」的播客,我们会在每期节目中邀请一位具有多重 ...
爱下厨/环保/二次元的我们都有过什么创业脑洞?为何Uber、Zoom是我们心里的科创典范?如果我们真的选择下海,什么能让我们感到如有神助? 本期由斜杠青年研究所x暮酒朝谈联合出品,你将听到三位斜杠主播关于科技创业的奇思妙想和冷静思考。 本期嘉宾 凯文 - 来自摇滚之乡的程序圆/「暮酒朝谈」主播 菩提 - 半泽直树的“同事”/「暮酒朝谈」主播 特派观察员 歆歆 - 程序媛/「斜杠青年研究所」主播 "梦想打造一个属于自己(任何形式)的品牌" 敲黑板划重点 [02:34] 歆歆的创业想法:菜谱社区的电商尝试 [07:06] 凯文的创业想法一:用区块链溯源农场品 [10:35] 凯文的创业想法二:对接学霸学弱的在线辅导平台 [14:21] 菩提的创业想法:用AI实现视频生成的自动化 [15:25] 我们为何“鸽”了自己的创业想法? [32:06] Uber启示录:创业家,天生还是踩坑练就? [42:57] 教育行业的创业思路:去中心化 [46:28] Zoom启示录:极度专注,也能红海突围 [57:37] 如何保持创业初期时的激情 [59:30] 技术背景创业者:适时跳出工程师思维 [62:03] 找合伙人就像找对象 音乐 Dreaming - Space 互动话题 Q:你曾经萌生过什么样的创业想法? 欢迎分享你的答案,我们在评论区等你! 延伸阅读 DeepFake 新高度:一阶运动模型让“万物皆可动” (作者| 蒋宝尚) DeepFake深度伪造,是英文「deep learning」(深度学习)和「fake」(伪造)的混成词,指基于深度学习等机器学习方法创建或合成视听觉内容,如图像、音视频、文本等。 DeepFake一方面被骂作“AI毒瘤”,另一方面在B站上大行其道。最近,这项技术又用在了在线视频会议身上。一键换脸,身临其境与马斯克开会,商讨火箭上天大计的项目,也登上Github热榜。 据称,这是一位来自俄罗斯的程序员开发的开源“视频会议阿凡达”软件Avatarify,背后所用的技术基于名为First Order Motion的核...
7. [PDF] 中文电影中俚语的分析——以《人再囧途之泰囧》
张若尚(2018:12-13)和李丽(2012:19-20)认为汉语俚语的构成方式可以分为. 5 种,即儿化、外来词汇演化、轻声、改变词性、以及单音节词。一、儿化是一种构成. 方式带有地方 ...
8. Why is blue colour inauspicious in Chinese culture? – UTM News Portal
4 jun 2019 · A similar interpretation regarding the significance of blue does not exist in most western cultures. Instead, this colour often represents ...
Luxury retailing professionals discuss sector’s future with IFTM students (Chinese medium)
9. Aprende chino - Los mejores momentos - HelloTalk
一开始跟他相处时他老发我 的表情,让我乱想,哈哈(过一会儿才发现很多法国人会这样做,并不代表什么)。他也爱自学语言,英语写得非常好,人特别礼貌体贴并有魅力,也长得帅。
Top Moments from language learners on HelloTalk.
10. 100+个让你文采飞扬的英语高阶词汇 - Berlitz
16 mei 2024 · 英语中有大量高阶词汇,用更专业的同义词来替换日常用语,能有效彰显你的口才和学识,并优雅地表达自己。不论是在学校、工作,还是在约会中,使用这些词汇都能 ...
11. 语言顺应论角度下电影字幕翻译的娱乐化倾向研究——以《囧妈》为例A ...
作为经济、文化和社会沟通的桥梁,翻译的发展受到全球一体化潮流的影响,也发挥着沟通文化传递信息的重大作用。同样,随着电影大众功能的转变和跨文化交流的日益频繁, ...
作为经济、文化和社会沟通的桥梁,翻译的发展受到全球一体化潮流的影响,也发挥着沟通文化传递信息的重大作用。同样,随着电影大众功能的转变和跨文化交流的日益频繁,致使跨文化传播的需求不断上升。自21世纪以来,电影作为一种重要的文化传播方式,逐渐从文化教育功能向更加娱乐化轻松化转变,因此电影字幕翻译也随之演变成一种跨文化交际以及跨学科交流的独特传播媒介。2020年中国上映的《囧妈》在特殊时期免费上线播放已是开商业电影之先例,而字幕翻译更是让人眼前一亮,不是纯粹的单向线中译英,而是加入了译者自我的思考,打破中英文化之间的壁垒,给予中英翻译更多的可能性,实现不同文化背景下的互通互享,是一种十分值得学习和借鉴的文化交流传播方式的再创造。 As a bridge of economic, cultural, and social communication, the development of translation is affected by the trend of global integration, and it also plays a major role in communicating culture and conveying information. Similarly, with the transformation of the public functions of movies and the increasing frequency of cross-cultural communication, the demand for cross-cultural communication is constantly increasing. As a means of cultural communication, film has gradually changed from a cultural and educational function to a more entertaining and relaxed one. Therefore, film subtitle translation has also evolved into a unique communication medium for intercultural communication and interdisciplinary communication. Lost in Russia released in China in 2020 is a precedent for commercial films to be played online for free during the epidemic, and the subtitle tra...
12. Research on the Acceptance and Expectation of Chinese Ethnic ...
29 apr 2019 · How do you like the subtitles of the movies? A) Great! With them I ... D) 民族之间文化沟通有障碍,无法产生内心共鸣. E) 资金投入不足. What ...
Based on the survey on the acceptance and expectation of Chinese ethnic minority group movies in Britain and US, we analyse the problems in the outbound circulation of ethnic minority group movies and their causes, and provide some feasible solutions for the transmission of Chinese culture abroad. By means of the questionnaire and online communication, we construct data models to further learn about the British and American views about minority group movies. We find that in the process of the exporting of minority group movies, problems include the inefficiency about the business operations, the deviation of cross-cultural communication and the poor quality of movies themselves. Therefore, we suggest combining the commercial and artistic functions in movies, improving marketing strategies, and optimizing talent resources.
13. 邱柏升博士Po-Sheng Chiu, PhD - 求職900句
有,先生。我的英文名是Walter,是我上大学时我的外籍老师给我取的。 3.How do you like your name ...
加拿大求职英语900句日常用语1000句 蝶恋花 扬帆乘风渡大洋。 桃花掩面,姹紫嫣红满。 风雨几度述星点,醉卧高音红绳间。 春风习习撩衣衫。 泼墨画卷,字字系方圆。 玩味放筝映飞燕,镜花水月话婵娟。 岁 平(Sui Ping) 甲申年 TABLE OF CONTENTS 求职900句 5 Part Ⅰ 5 Lesson 1 Opening Remarks 5 Lesson 2 About Your Name and Age 8 Lesson 3 About Your Address
14. 被炒鱿鱼的经历如何引导《饥饿游戏》女制片人走向成功 - 财富中文网
14 nov 2014 · There's an old joke that helps The Hunger Games producer Nina Jacobson survive hard times. You know the one: A kid wakes up on Christmas ...
There’s an old joke that helps The Hunger Games producer Nina Jacobson survive hard times. You know the one: A kid wakes up on Christmas morning to a pile of manure under the tree—only to excitedly claim that there must be a pony in there somewhere. “I always try to find the pony,” says Jacobson.
15. [PDF] Newsletter 60 - 香港電影資料館
到了1990年代,黃飛鴻電影的. 新古典期,黃師傅一方面回復獨大的. 「超我」角色,同時也帶有一些「自. 我」特質,既有較年輕跳脫的一面, ... 片的特殊拍攝方式及意義。《破鏡.